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September Update

Hi Alumni,

It came to our attention that everyone did not receive the info previously sent to the database. I am resending with updates.

Listed below is info regarding Homecoming, Dues,

1) Cheer Gear - We should be contacted soon concerning ordering Alumni T-shirts for homecoming. T-shirts will only be available this year.

2) Meet 'n Greet and Association Meeting - Location is the Dudley Bldg Banquet Room. Meet 'n Greet starts at 5:00pm. Executive Board meeting will held at 4pm for officers and Member meeting will be at 5:30pm.

3) Dues - Reminder 2015 dues payment deadline date is October 1. Mail payment to Cheryl Gould, Treasurer, 2903 Moser Road, Greensboro, NC 27406. Make check payable to: Aggie Alumni Cheerleaders. Paypal - Transfer Funds to NC State Employee Credit Union - Alumni Cheerleaders account #08619711240. Receipt must be by October 1. The goal for 2015 is to increase membership by 50%. That means we need to have at least 54 members up from 36 in 2014. Help recruit by encouraging your co-alumni to join. If everyone joined on this email list we would have about 93 members.

4) Cheering at Homecoming - Dues must be paid by deadline date in-order to cheer this year. Treasurer will submit paid membership names to cheer coaches who in turn, will submit to University. Only those listed will be able get a free ticket and access the field. Need to have your picture ID to obtain ticket that day and wear your cheer gear.

5) Drum-line Routine - This year we are working on performing with the drum line when they come off the field and start entering the stand. A person from each decade is being asked to contact Beryl Midget to assist with choreography. Each decade will only need to learn their choreography which will consist of a maximum of 3-4 8 cts. The plan is to email all a video of the moves and to practice at the Meet 'n Greet. Beryl Midget needs to hear from you asap. She is providing leadership to the total process.

6) Officers: Treasurer - If anyone is interested in being nominated for Treasurer, Secretary and Vice-President, please contact me asap. Cheryl is interested in having someone else take over the treasurer office. We are looking for a person to serve as treasur -elect this year and work with Cheryl to learn the responsibilities. They would then take over in 2016. Any names provided will be put on a ballot for 2015 members to vote on at the Board Meeting and/or via on-line. We currently have one person interested in being treasurer.

7) 2014 End of Year Financial Report is ready. If you are interested in obtaining a copy please email this address with your request. Please put 2014 End of Year Financial Report in the subject line. Limited copies will be available at Board Meeting along with the 2015 YTD Finance Report.

8) Board Meeting - Officers and members if you have any item you would like to see on the agenda please email with your input.

9) Cheer Gear - Cheer coaches will be announcing how to order alumni T-shirts. Please ensure you get your order in by their deadline date.

I know this was a lengthy email but I wanted to ensure that information got out on a timely basis.

Aggie Pride,


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